The car to be estimated is a 2014 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.0L GXR 5.7L VXR GT with average condition and 80338 km mileage. The closest data point is the 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser GX.R 4.0L V6 with 119800 km, sold for 120000 AED on 2023-06-01. This car is a year newer and has higher mileage, suggesting a slightly lower value for the target car. The 2013 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.0L V6 with 146700 km sold for 89000 AED on 2024-06-28, which is older and has higher mileage, indicating a higher value for the target car. The 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.0 V6 with 85000 km sold for 94000 AED on 2024-01-20, which is older but has similar mileage, suggesting a similar value. Considering these data points, the target car's lower mileage and newer model year compared to some, I estimate the market price to be slightly above the 2013 model's selling price.