The car to be estimated is a 2021 Ford Explorer 3.0L ST SE with average condition and 74117 km mileage. The closest selling price data is for a 2021 Ford Explorer ST 3.0L V6 with good condition and 25700 km mileage, sold for AED 175000 on 2024-04-08. This car is in better condition and has lower mileage, so the estimated price should be lower. Dealer sales of 2021 Ford Explorer 3.5L XL with mileage around 50000 km range from AED 83261.75 to AED 93491.5. These are different variants with a larger engine but provide a baseline for depreciation. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, the price should be adjusted downward from the AED 175000 selling price of the better condition ST variant and be closer to the dealer prices of the XL variant.