The car to be estimated is a 2022 Volvo XC90 2.0L B6 Inscription AWD Inscription Plus. The closest match in the data is a 2022 Volvo XC90 2.0L B6 Inscription AWD sold for AED 195415 on 2024-09-05. This car has a lower mileage of 13387 km compared to the target car's 40971 km. The higher mileage of the target car suggests a lower price. Other sales data for the B5 Momentum variant, which is generally lower in trim than the B6 Inscription, range from AED 169915 to AED 186991.5. Considering the higher trim of the B6 Inscription and the higher mileage, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 195415 but higher than the B5 Momentum prices.