The car to be estimated is a 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser VXR V8 5.7L with high mileage of 261165 km. The closest data point is a 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser 5.7 V8 GXR with 82000 km sold for 133000 AED, but it has significantly lower mileage. A 2016 4.6L VXR with 107000 km sold for 179000 AED, indicating higher value for VXR trims. Considering the 5.7L VXR is a top trim, it should be valued higher than the 4.6L GXR models. The 2014 4.6L GXR models sold for 73500 AED and 89000 AED with average condition and higher mileage. The 2016 4.6L GXR sold for 145000 AED with good condition and lower mileage. Adjusting for the higher mileage and top trim of the 5.7L VXR, a reasonable estimate is around 120000 AED.