The car to be estimated is a 2016 Toyota Land Cruiser GXR V8 4.6L 4WD with 120300 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar 2016 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.6L GXR (Mid+) with 152500 km sold for 145000 AED in February 2024. This car had higher mileage and was in good condition, while the target car is in average condition. Another relevant data point is a 2015 model with the same variant and similar mileage sold for 95000 AED in October 2024, but it was in good condition. Considering the target car's average condition, slightly lower mileage, and the time difference, the estimated price should be slightly lower than 145000 AED. The listed price of a similar car was 156500 AED, but listed prices are generally higher than selling prices. Therefore, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect these factors.