The car to be estimated is a 2016 Mercedes GL500 Turbo V8 4.7L Top with 125200 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar car with the same variant (Top) and similar mileage (135000 km) sold for AED 72500 on 2024-05-09. This car is in average condition, similar to the target car. Another similar car with the Top variant was listed for AED 78000 and delisted on 2024-07-05, indicating it might not have sold at that price. Considering the target car has slightly lower mileage than the sold car, it might be valued slightly higher. The selling price of AED 72500 is a strong indicator, but given the lower mileage, a slight increase is reasonable. The accepted offer data and other selling prices for the Standard variant are less relevant due to the variant difference.