The car to be estimated is a 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser VX.R V8 5.7L with average condition and high mileage of 209200 km. The most relevant data point is the 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser 5.7 V8 GXR with a selling price of 133000 AED, but it has lower mileage (82000 km) and is in good condition. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, a depreciation adjustment is necessary. The 2014 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.6L V8 with average condition and similar mileage sold for 73500 AED, providing a lower bound. The 2016 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.6L V8 in good condition sold for 145000 AED, but it is newer and in better condition. Balancing these factors, the estimated price for the target car is adjusted downward from the 5.7 V8 GXR's selling price due to its higher mileage and average condition.