The car to be estimated is a 2016 Porsche Cayman F6 2.7L Standard with 78200 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2016 Porsche Cayman Base with 303000 km sold for AED 72250 in May 2024. This car has much higher mileage, so the estimated car should be valued higher. A similar 2016 Cayman with 89000 km is listed for AED 130000, indicating a higher market value for lower mileage. Classified listings show a 2016 Cayman with 73198 km listed for AED 152000 and another with 85000 km for AED 128000. These suggest a market range between AED 128000 and AED 152000 for similar mileage. Considering the actual sale price and the listed prices, the estimated value should be lower than the classified listings but higher than the sold car with high mileage.