To estimate the price of the 2016 Range Rover Sport V6 3.0L V8 Supercharged (Top), I focused on the offers accepted by sellers for similar cars, as these are the most reliable data points available. The most relevant data points are: a 2016 Range Rover Sport 5.0SC V8 with 165500 km had an offer accepted for AED 115500 on 2024-04-14, another similar car with 153100 km had an offer accepted for AED 78500 on 2024-06-25, and a third with 164100 km had an offer accepted for AED 72000 on 2024-09-19. These cars are all of the same variant and similar mileage to the car in question. The listed prices of similar cars range from AED 75000 to AED 125000, but these are generally higher than the accepted offers. Considering the accepted offers, the most recent and relevant ones are AED 72000 and AED 78500, which suggest a market price in the lower range. Given the car's mileage of 162000 km and the trend in accepted offers, I estimate the market price to be around AED 75000.