The car to be estimated is a 2017 Lexus GX460 V8 4.6L Prestige (Mid) with 125600 km mileage in average condition. The most relevant data point is a similar car with 147000 km sold for AED 121000 in March 2024. Another similar car with 159500 km in average condition but a higher trim (Platinum) sold for AED 125500. A base variant with 130500 km sold for AED 135000 in July 2023, indicating higher value for lower mileage and different trim. An offer for a Prestige variant with 87000 km was accepted at AED 135000 in November 2023, showing higher value for lower mileage. A dealer sold a similar car with 124500 km for AED 98599.15 in August 2024, which is a lower bound. Considering these, the estimated market price for the car is slightly below AED 121000 due to its average condition and lower mileage compared to the first data point.