The car to be estimated is a 2015 Toyota Prado VXR V6 4.0L with 64000 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2015 Toyota Prado VXR 4.0L with 215000 km sold for 87900 AED on 2024-07-14. This car has higher mileage, so the estimated price should be higher. Another relevant data point is a 2015 Toyota Prado VXR 4.0L with 235700 km sold for 83000 AED on 2024-02-29. Again, the estimated price should be higher due to lower mileage. A 2014 Toyota Prado VXR 4.0L with 59000 km sold for 95000 AED on 2023-08-07, which is a year older but has similar mileage, suggesting a similar price range. Considering these, the estimated price should be slightly below 95000 AED due to the car's age and condition.