To estimate the price of the 2020 Nissan Sentra 1.8L S with 65239 km mileage, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is the 2020 Nissan Sentra 1.8L S with 68123 km sold for AED 45045.75 on 18 Sep 2023. This car is very similar in terms of engine size and condition. Another 1.8L S with 49526 km sold for AED 45045.75 on 30 Sep 2023. Considering the mileage of the target car is slightly lower than the first and higher than the second, the price should be slightly adjusted. The 1.6L variants sold for lower prices, such as AED 36500 for a 1.6L S with 53500 km on 9 Aug 2023, indicating the 1.8L variant holds a higher value. Given these data points, the estimated price is adjusted slightly below the 1.8L S with higher mileage but above the 1.6L variants.