The car to be estimated is a 2020 Honda City 1.5L EX DX (Base) with 36260 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2020 Honda City I4 1.5L DX (Base) with 77000 km, sold for AED 31000 on 2024-10-07. This car has higher mileage than the target car, suggesting the target car could be valued slightly higher. Offers accepted for similar cars with 77000 km and 56000 km were also AED 31000, indicating a consistent market value. Dealer sales of the 1.5L EX variant with lower mileage (30792 km and 43757 km) were significantly higher at AED 50991.5 and AED 47515, but these are for a higher trim. Listed prices for DX (Base) variants range from AED 32000 to AED 49990, but these are not actual selling prices. Considering the lower mileage of the target car and the consistent selling price of AED 31000 for higher mileage cars, the estimated market price is slightly above AED 31000.