The car to be estimated is a 2020 Mazda 6 2.5L S Grade with 76700 km mileage. We have several data points for similar cars. The most relevant are the dealer sold prices for the same variant (2.5L S). These range from AED 55241.5 to AED 61191.5, with varying mileages. The closest in mileage to our car is one with 80193 km sold for AED 55241.5. Another with 63697 km sold for AED 56945.75. The selling prices of the V Grade variant, which is higher than the S Grade, range from AED 52500 to AED 70000, but these are less relevant due to the different trim. Considering the S Grade prices and the mileage of the car to be estimated, a reasonable estimate is slightly below the average of the S Grade sales, accounting for the mileage difference.