The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GLX Double Cab 2WD. We have three relevant selling prices for similar 2022 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GLX models: AED 79041.5 (mileage: 44767 km), AED 93491.5 (mileage: 27055 km), and AED 80741.5 (mileage: 53773 km). The car with the closest mileage to the target car (33858 km) sold for AED 93491.5. The target car's mileage is between the first and second sold cars, so its price should be slightly lower than AED 93491.5 but higher than AED 79041.5. Considering the average condition of the target car, I estimate its market price to be around AED 90000.