The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0L GXR (Mid) with 53000 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a dealer-sold 2023 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4.0L GXR RB with 53605 km for AED 127495.75 on 2024-06-15, which is very similar in mileage and variant. Another dealer-sold GXR RB with 39385 km was sold for AED 141099.15 on 2024-07-24. The selling price of a 2023 FJ Cruiser 4WD V6 4.0L Standard (Base) with 27500 km was AED 145000 on 2024-10-02, indicating higher prices for lower mileage and different variants. Considering the car's average condition and higher mileage compared to the dealer-sold GXR RB, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 127495.75.