The car to be estimated is a 2023 Honda HR-V 1.5L EX DX (Base) with average condition. We have a selling price for a similar 2023 Honda HR-V 1.5L LX, which sold for AED 76415 on 29 October 2023. The LX trim is generally higher than the DX trim, so the DX would be priced lower. The new car price for the 2025 Honda HR-V 1.5L DX is AED 94900. Assuming a 15% annual depreciation, the 2023 model would have depreciated approximately 30% from the 2025 price, resulting in an estimated value of AED 66430. Considering the actual selling price of the LX trim and the depreciation from the new car price, the estimated market price for the 2023 HR-V 1.5L EX DX in average condition is slightly lower than the LX selling price.