The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Fortuner 2.7L EXR GX2 2WD (Base) with 27899 km mileage. There are no actual selling prices or offers accepted data available. The new car price for a 2025 Toyota Fortuner 2.7L EXR is AED 126900. Considering depreciation, a 2023 model would be approximately 2 years old, leading to a depreciation of about 30%, which would make the estimated value around AED 88830. However, we have several listed prices for similar 2023 models with similar mileage, ranging from AED 119900 to AED 124900. These listed prices are likely higher than actual selling prices. The most relevant listings for the same variant and similar mileage are AED 120999, AED 120900, and AED 119900. Averaging these gives approximately AED 120600. Considering the depreciation estimate and the listed prices, the market price estimate is adjusted to reflect a realistic selling price.