The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR TX (Diesel) in average condition with 72776 km mileage. The closest data points are the selling prices of similar 2022 Toyota Prado GXR 4.0L V6 models. The most recent selling prices for similar models with lower mileage and in good condition range from 145,000 AED to 167,000 AED. The car with the highest mileage (88,500 km) sold for 145,000 AED and 148,000 AED in October 2024. Given the target car's higher mileage and average condition, its value should be lower than these recent sales. Considering the accepted offers, the car with 50,200 km had an offer of 150,000 AED, and the one with 27,500 km had an offer of 158,000 AED. Adjusting for the higher mileage and average condition, the estimated price should be lower than these offers. Therefore, the estimated market price for the target car is 140,000 AED.