The car to be estimated is a 2021 Nissan Patrol 4.0L SE T2 XE (Base) with average condition. The closest data points are the selling prices of the 2021 Nissan Patrol SE Platinum 4.0L V6, which sold for AED 205,000 and AED 211,000 in good condition. These are higher trims than the base XE, so the estimated price should be lower. The accepted offer for a similar SE Platinum was AED 205,500, and for a higher LE T2 variant, it was AED 204,500. Considering the base variant and average condition, the price should be adjusted downwards. The accepted offer for a 4.0L V6 with higher mileage was AED 190,000, indicating a lower price for higher mileage and lower trim. Based on these data points, the estimated market price for the base XE variant in average condition is adjusted to AED 180,000.