The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR TX (Diesel) in average condition. We have two recent selling prices for a similar variant, the TX.L1 V6 (Mid), both sold in October 2024 for AED 148,000 and AED 145,000, but these were in good condition and had higher mileage. The car in question is in average condition, which typically reduces the value. Offers accepted for a higher variant, the GXR (Top+), were AED 150,000 and AED 158,000 earlier in 2024, but these were for cars with lower mileage and in potentially better condition. Dealer sales for the GXR variant in March 2024 were around AED 140,000, but these were for cars with higher mileage. Considering the car's average condition and lower mileage compared to the sold cars, the estimated price should be slightly lower than the recent sales of the TX.L1 V6 (Mid) variant, reflecting the condition and variant differences.