The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Rush 1.5L GX (Top) with 32339 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2023 Toyota Rush 1.5L I4 Top variant with 9445 km sold for 61500 AED on 2024-05-08. Another Top variant sold for 15000 AED, but this seems like an error or outlier. Dealer sales for the GX variant, which is the same as the target car, range from 58565 AED to 62041.5 AED, with lower mileage cars selling for higher prices. The closest match is a GX with 32647 km sold for 59491.5 AED on 2023-12-23. Considering the target car's average condition and higher mileage, a slight reduction from this price is reasonable. Offers accepted for Standard variants are around 59000-62500 AED, but the GX variant typically sells for more. Therefore, the estimated market price is slightly below the dealer sale price for a similar mileage GX variant.