The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Raize 1.2L E XLE with average condition and 8230 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar 1.2L variants. A 2023 Toyota Raize 1.2L with average condition and 1913 km sold for AED 51500 on 2024-06-14. Dealer sales for the 1.2L E variant range from AED 48875 to AED 51765, with lower mileage cars selling for higher prices. The car with 6426 km sold for AED 51765 on 2024-08-25, and the car with 11055 km sold for AED 50915 on 2024-10-05. Considering the target car's mileage of 8230 km and average condition, the price should be slightly lower than the highest dealer sale price for similar mileage. The accepted offer of AED 50000 for a 1.2L variant on 2024-06-14 also supports this range. Therefore, the estimated market price is around AED 51000.