The car to be estimated is a 2015 Volkswagen CC Highline I4 2.0L Sport with 137100 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2015 Volkswagen CC I4 2.0L Turbocharged Sport variant with 191580 km mileage, sold for AED 24500 on 2024-10-04. This car has higher mileage but is in good condition. Another relevant data point is an offer accepted for a 2015 Volkswagen CC Sport variant with 152000 km mileage for AED 23000 on 2023-11-28. A similar car was listed for AED 23500 but was delisted, indicating it might not have sold at that price. Considering the car's average condition and lower mileage compared to the sold car, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 24500 but higher than AED 23000.