The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2020 Mercedes C200 sedan with a mileage of 92655 km, which sold for AED 114000 on 2024-09-01. This car is similar in engine and variant but differs in body type and condition. The target car is a coupe, which typically has a higher value than a sedan, but it has higher mileage and is in good condition compared to the average condition of the sold car. The accepted offer for a similar sedan with the same engine and variant was AED 110000 on 2024-08-27, which supports the selling price. Listed prices for similar sedans range from AED 116000 to AED 145000, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. Considering the coupe body type and the higher mileage, the estimated market price is slightly adjusted from the selling price of the sedan.