The car to be estimated is a 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe GL (Base) with American specs and average condition. We have a selling price of a similar 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe Calligraphy I4 2.5L GLS (Top) with American specs and average condition, sold for AED 85000 in July 2024. This car is a higher trim than the GL (Base) we are estimating. The new car price for a 2025 Hyundai Santa Fe GL 2.4L (Base) is AED 103000. Assuming a 15% annual depreciation, the 2023 model would have depreciated approximately 30% by 2024, making its estimated value around AED 72100. Considering the selling price of the higher trim and the depreciation of the base model, the estimated market price for the 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe GL (Base) is adjusted to reflect its lower trim level compared to the sold GLS (Top) variant.