To estimate the price of the 2021 Toyota Rush 1.5L EX GX (Top), I first considered the selling prices of similar cars. A 2021 Toyota Rush 1.5L EX with 87086 km was sold for AED 55241.5, and a 2021 Toyota Rush 1.5L GX with 81580 km was sold for AED 53635.0. These are reliable indicators of market value. The car in question has higher mileage at 109142 km, which suggests a slightly lower value. An offer was accepted for a 2021 Toyota Rush EX 1.5L I4 with 69500 km at AED 49500, but this is a standard variant, not the top GX variant. Listed prices for the GX variant range from AED 54990 to AED 64990, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the car's higher mileage and average condition, I estimate the market price to be slightly lower than the lower end of the listed prices and closer to the actual selling prices, adjusted for mileage.