To estimate the price of the 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser EX.R V6 4.0L, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is the 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser GX.R 4.0L V6 with 119800 km sold for 120000 AED on 2023-06-01. This car is similar in year, engine size, and condition. Another relevant data point is the 2015 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.0L V6 with 137000 km sold for 126500 AED on 2023-04-28. The target car has higher mileage at 177440 km, which suggests a lower price. The 2014 model with 126000 km sold for 108149 AED on 2023-04-28, indicating depreciation over time. Considering these factors, I adjusted the price downward from the 2015 models due to higher mileage and the time elapsed since those sales.