I analyzed the selling prices of similar 2015 Nissan Patrol SE Platinum (Mid++) models. The most recent sale on 2024-09-25 was for AED 71000 with a mileage of 186919 km. Another sale on 2024-03-31 for a car in good condition with 138200 km was AED 85000. A sale on 2024-03-03 with 155000 km was AED 82149. A sale on 2023-10-31 with 183000 km was AED 71000. A sale on 2023-07-27 with 150500 km in average condition was AED 65000. The car to be estimated has 155872 km and is in average condition. Considering the condition and mileage, the price should be slightly lower than the AED 82149 sale but higher than the AED 65000 sale. Offers accepted for similar cars range from AED 75000 to AED 90000, but these are not actual sales. Based on these data points, I estimate the market price to be around AED 75000.