To estimate the price of the 2015 BMW 640 i Twin turbo I6 3.0L Standard, I first considered the offer accepted by a seller for a similar car with higher mileage (159900 km) at AED 64000 on 2024-04-03. This provides a baseline for the market value. Next, I looked at the listed prices of similar cars. A car with 116920 km was listed for AED 76000, and another with 122000 km was listed for AED 69000, both delisted in July 2024, indicating they might have sold for slightly less. A car with lower mileage (91085 km) was listed for AED 48500, delisted in September 2024, suggesting a lower market value. Considering the target car's mileage of 110000 km, which is between these examples, and the accepted offer, I estimate the market price to be slightly above the accepted offer but below the higher listings, around AED 62000.