The car to be estimated is a 2019 Lexus LX570 5.7L SIGNATURE Premier (Base) with 88480 km mileage. A similar 2019 model with slightly higher mileage (90838 km) was sold by a dealer for AED 263495.75 on 2024-09-03. This is a strong indicator of the market value. A 2020 model with higher mileage (170000 km) sold for AED 290000, but it was a Platinum variant, which is typically more expensive. A 2021 Signature Edition with lower mileage (76100 km) sold for AED 337500, but it is a newer model and a higher trim. The listed prices for 2019 models are higher, such as AED 309995, but these are not actual selling prices and tend to be inflated. Considering the dealer sale price and the depreciation from newer models, the estimated market price for the 2019 Lexus LX570 5.7L SIGNATURE Premier (Base) is likely around AED 263000.