The car to be estimated is a 2021 Volkswagen Teramont 2.0L Trendline with 76600 km mileage. The closest data point is a 2021 Volkswagen Teramont I4 2.0L SE (Mid) with 76500 km sold for AED 86000 on 2024-07-28. This car has a similar engine size and mileage but is a higher trim. The 2021 Volkswagen Teramont 2.0L Trendline was sold by a dealer for AED 87545.75 on 2024-07-08 with 60411 km. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, a slight depreciation is expected. The 3.6L Trendline models sold for around AED 100000 to AED 113000, but these have larger engines and lower mileage. Based on these data points, the estimated price for the target car is slightly lower than the AED 86000 SE (Mid) model due to its lower trim and higher mileage.