The car to be estimated is a 2021 Mitsubishi Attrage 1.2L GLX Standard with 66106 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar car sold on 2024-06-18 for AED 26500, which had a higher mileage of 74000 km and was in good condition. The car in question is in average condition, which might slightly lower its value. Dealer sales show prices ranging from AED 33995.75 to AED 36541.5 for cars with lower mileage and potentially better condition. The listed prices for similar cars are around AED 36990, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the selling price of AED 26500 for a similar car and adjusting for condition and mileage, the estimated market price is slightly lower than the dealer sales but higher than the sold car due to the average condition.