To estimate the price of the 2020 MG ZS 1.5L I4 Standard with 73450 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The listed prices for similar 2020 MG ZS models range from AED 39000 to AED 85000. However, the AED 85000 listing is for an electric variant, which is not comparable. Excluding the electric variant, the prices range from AED 39000 to AED 55120. The most relevant listings are: AED 39000 (same mileage), AED 44990 (71000 km), AED 41990 (71000 km), and AED 49500 (81937 km). Considering the average condition of the car and the fact that listed prices are generally higher than selling prices, I estimate the market price to be closer to the lower end of the range.