The car to be estimated is a 2019 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SL (Top) with average condition and 74300 km mileage. The closest data points are for the SV (Mid) variant, which is lower than the SL (Top) variant. The most recent selling price for a 2019 Kicks SV with average condition and 122000 km was 34500 AED on 2024-09-30. Another SV with 81500 km sold for 38000 AED on 2024-08-24. The SL variant should be priced higher than the SV. Considering the mileage and condition, the SL variant could be estimated around 10-15% higher than the SV prices. Therefore, an estimated price for the SL variant with 74300 km would be around 42000 AED.