The car to be estimated is a 2023 Mazda 6 S I4 2.5L S Grade (Base+), with 39500 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar variant, the 2023 Mazda 6 2.5L S Grade (Base+), which sold for AED 72000 on 2023-05-28 with a much lower mileage of 1311 km and in average condition. Given the higher mileage and good condition of the target car, a slight depreciation from this price is expected. The accepted offer for a 2.5L V Grade (Mid) variant with 16731 km was AED 75000 on 2024-07-14, indicating a higher value for the V Grade. Another accepted offer for a 2.5L V Grade (Mid) with 45720 km was AED 60000 on 2024-07-16, showing depreciation with higher mileage. Considering these factors, the estimated price for the target car, with its higher mileage and being a base variant, is adjusted to reflect these conditions.