The car to be estimated is a 2022 Mazda 6 2.0L S Grade with 73078 km mileage. We have several selling prices for 2022 Mazda 6 2.5L S models with lower mileage, ranging from AED 62045.75 to AED 66291.5. These sales occurred in late 2023. The car in question has a higher mileage, which typically reduces the value. The new car price for a 2025 Mazda 6 2.5L S is AED 85000, which is a higher trim than the 2.0L S Grade. Considering the depreciation and the lower trim level, the estimated price should be lower than the selling prices of the 2.5L S models. Adjusting for the higher mileage and lower trim, the estimated market price is calculated.