The car to be estimated is a 2024 GAC GS8 2.0L GX GL 2WD (Base) with 20107 km mileage. We have three dealer sold prices for similar cars: AED 110495.75 for cars with 221 km and 60 km mileage, and AED 118995.75 for a car with 37 km mileage. These prices are for the same model and trim, so they are highly relevant. The listed prices for similar cars are AED 129995 and AED 139995, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. The new car price for a 2025 2.0T GL (4WD) is AED 130900, but this is a different variant. Considering the selling prices, the car's mileage, and the fact that listed prices are usually higher, the estimated market price is closer to the lower end of the selling prices, adjusted slightly upwards for the mileage difference.