The car to be estimated is a 2022 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GL Double Cab 2WD (Base+). We have selling prices for 2022 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GLX models, which are similar but likely higher in trim than the GL. The selling prices are AED 79041.5, AED 93491.5, and AED 80741.5. These prices are for cars sold in 2024, so they are relatively recent. The new car price for a 2025 Toyota Hilux 2.7L Double Cab GL M/T (4x2) is AED 86550. The GLX trim is generally higher than the GL, so the GL would be expected to be slightly lower in price. Considering the average selling price of the GLX models is around AED 84425, and adjusting for the lower trim level of the GL, the estimated market price for the GL trim should be slightly lower. Therefore, the estimated price for the 2022 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GL Double Cab 2WD (Base+) is AED 80000.