The car to be estimated is a 2018 Nissan X-Trail I4 2.5L S 2WD in average condition with 47700 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2018 X-Trail SL (Top) with 57900 km sold for 76000 AED on 2024-02-12, and another SL with 93500 km sold for 71000 AED on 2023-07-12. These are higher trims than the S variant. Offers accepted for an S 4WD (Base+) variant were 64500 AED on 2023-10-16. Dealer sales for the S variant were 57791.5 AED and 63741.5 AED for 2WD and 4WD respectively. Considering the lower trim and average condition, the estimated price should be lower than the SL variants and closer to the dealer sale prices for the S variant.