The car to be estimated is a 2023 Mercedes GLA200 I4 1.3L Standard with 43750 km mileage. We have a selling price of a similar 2023 GLA200 with 17487 km sold for AED 144500 on 5 Nov 2024. This car has lower mileage, so the estimated price for the target car should be lower due to higher mileage. A similar 2023 GLA200 with 17487 km is listed for AED 170000, which is higher than the selling price, indicating that listed prices are generally above market value. A 2021 GLA200 with 29600 km is listed for AED 133000, which is older and has lower mileage than the target car. Considering the depreciation and mileage difference, the target car's price should be between the sold price of AED 144500 and the lower listed price of AED 133000, adjusted for its higher mileage.