To estimate the price of the 2015 Mercedes C200 I4 2.0L Avantgarde (Mid) with 218000 km mileage and average condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2015 Mercedes C200 2.0L V4 with 162000 km sold for 49000 AED on 2024-03-23. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards. Other relevant data points include a 2015 Mercedes C200 2.0L Turbo Charged with 122695 km sold for 57500 AED on 2024-08-30, and a 2016 Mercedes C200 2.0L I4 with 131400 km sold for 59000 AED on 2024-09-16. Given the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, I further adjusted the price downwards. The final estimate considers the depreciation and market trends observed in the provided data points.