The car to be estimated is a 2015 Audi A3 1.4L Turbocharged 35 TFSI (Mid) with 80000 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2016 Audi A3 1.4L I4 35 TFSI (Mid) with 87510 km sold for AED 41000 in May 2024. This car is similar in variant and condition, but slightly newer. Another relevant data point is a 2015 Audi A3 1.8L 35 TFSI (Mid) with 166000 km sold for AED 39000 in August 2023. This car has a higher mileage and a different engine size. The 2015 Audi A3 1.4L 30 TFSI (Base) with 231400 km sold for AED 29500 in July 2023, but it has a higher mileage and is a base variant. Considering the target car's lower mileage and mid variant, the estimated price should be slightly higher than the 2016 model sold for AED 41000, but lower than the 2015 model with higher mileage sold for AED 39000.