To estimate the price of the 2024 Changan UNI-K 2.0T Elite Standard with 2800 km mileage, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The first car, identical in variant and mileage, is listed for AED 105,000. The second car, also identical but with lower mileage (973 km), is listed for AED 124,998. The third car, a 2023 model with higher mileage (31,000 km), is listed for AED 123,500. Given that the car in question has average condition and similar mileage to the first car, I gave more weight to the first listing. The second listing is higher due to lower mileage, and the third listing is for an older model with higher mileage, which typically would be priced lower. Therefore, I estimated the market price closer to the first listing but slightly adjusted for the average condition.