The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E S (CVT) sedan. The most relevant data point is the listed price of a similar 2020 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E S (CVT) sedan with a mileage of 83131 km, which is AED 42990. This car is very similar in terms of engine size, variant, and body type. The selling prices of 1.3L variants range from AED 38500 to AED 46741.5, but these are hatchbacks and have smaller engines. The listed prices for 1.3L variants are higher, up to AED 51990, but these are not directly comparable due to the engine size difference. Considering the listed price of the 1.5L sedan and the selling prices of the 1.3L variants, the estimated market price for the 1.5L sedan is slightly lower than the listed price to account for negotiation and market conditions.