The car to be estimated is a 2019 Toyota Corolla 2.0L SE (Mid) with 106200 km mileage. The closest data point is a dealer-sold 2019 Corolla 2.0L SE with 76557 km for AED 52691.5 on 2023-12-06. Adjusting for higher mileage, the value decreases. Selling prices of 1.6L SE (Mid) variants with higher mileage (150900 km) are AED 38000. Offers accepted for similar 1.6L variants are AED 36000. Listed prices for 1.6L SE (Mid) range from AED 41500 to AED 59120, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Considering the 2.0L engine and lower mileage, the estimated price is slightly higher than the 1.6L selling prices but lower than the dealer-sold 2.0L due to mileage.