The car in question is a 2019 Honda Civic LX Sport with a 1.6L engine and 98,000 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars and offers accepted by sellers. A 2019 Honda Civic 1.6L DX with 101,698 km was sold by a dealer for AED 55,245.75 on 2023-11-06. Offers accepted for 2019 models include AED 60,000 for a 1.6L variant with 83,500 km and AED 58,000 for a 1.6L variant with 75,000 km. The 2019 Civic 2.0L (Mid) variant had an offer accepted at AED 55,000 with 80,000 km. Considering the car's condition and mileage, the market price is estimated slightly lower than the accepted offers for the 1.6L variants due to higher mileage, but higher than the dealer-sold price due to better condition and variant.