The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota RAV 4 2.5L EX LE AWD (Base) with 86560 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the dealer sale of a similar 2020 RAV 4 2.5L EX with 84543 km for AED 76491.5 on 2024-01-11. This is a direct sale price and reflects the market value closely. The accepted offer for a 2020 RAV 4 2.5L I4 EXR HEV (Mid+) with 89000 km was AED 81000 on 2024-01-05, which is a higher trim. The listed prices for similar 2020 RAV 4 2.5L EX LE AWD (Base) range from AED 83990 to AED 94990, but these are typically higher than actual sale prices. Considering the dealer sale price and the accepted offer, the estimated market price should be slightly above the dealer sale price but below the accepted offer for the higher trim, around AED 78000.