The car to be estimated is a 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero V6 3.8L 5 Door in average condition. The closest data points are the selling prices of the 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Signature Edition V6 3.8L, which sold for AED 92999, AED 92500, and AED 72000. These cars are in good condition and have lower mileage, so the estimated price should be lower. The dealer sold a 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero 3.8L HIGHLINE for AED 84991.5, but with lower mileage. Considering the average condition and higher mileage of the target car, the price should be adjusted downwards. The accepted offer of AED 95000 for a similar car with lower mileage and better condition also suggests a lower price for the target car. Based on these factors, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the average condition and higher mileage.