The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GL Double Cab 2WD with high mileage of 258206 km. There are no direct selling prices available for this exact model and year, but we have listed prices for similar models. The closest match is a 2020 Toyota Hilux 2.7L GLX Double Cab 2WD with 209781 km listed for AED 74990. Another 2020 model with 204722 km is listed for AED 61990. Considering the higher mileage of the car in question, its value would be lower than these listings. The 2019 model with similar mileage is listed for AED 59990, which provides a lower bound. Given the average condition and high mileage, I estimate the market price to be slightly below the lower bound of the 2020 listings, around AED 58000.